The Diet Debate Ended

Which diet is the best? ALL of them and None of them. There is no one diet for everyone. We are all different. Learn how to easily know what is right for you.

(PRWEB) February 28, 2005 -- Which diet is the best? ALL of them and None of them. I am going to let you in on a little secret. It often shocks and disrupts people’s world, but you need to hear it. You ready? Everyone is different.

“Everyone is different,” something everyone knows but yet no one really takes into account when dishing out recommendations and advice. The reason why all diets work is because they work for at least one person, usually the one telling everyone else about it. And the reason none of the diets work is because no one diet is right for everyone. So what do you eat? I have made it really simple. Eat whatever you inner knowing tells you to eat as long as it is fresh and pure. That is all you have to do. The answers that suddenly become relevant are to the questions of what is fresh and pure and how does your inner knowing tell you what to eat?

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